Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Rechtspraktijk
Theory [A] 12.5
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 100.0
Studypoints [E] 4
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Roland Bohez
Reference RCBMGR03A00006
Key words
Private law (incl. Deontology), IWETO code S142

  • Knowledge and skills acquired in the second year have to be supplemented with an understanding of the standards guiding judicial sentences (seizure).
  • Students have to get actively acquainted with many acts and documents of legal procedure and with compiling and following up of a file.
Students will get to know professional ways of behaviour of justicial actors, in order to develop their own skills and attitudes in the ways they are usual or mandatory.

Seizure law
  • Seizable and unseizable goods;
  • Conserving and enforcing seizure;
  • Enforcement on moveables; tasks of a bailiff;
  • Enforcement on immovables; tasks of a notary;Deontology
  • Deontology in the line of duty of a lawyer, bailiff, notary.

Private law as taught in the second year of this training.

Final Objectives
General and job-related:
  • Private law: knowing seizure law and deontology;
  • Knowing judicial terminology, drawing up acts, layout of judicial documents;
  • Using the PC in connection with the course (collection of models).
  • Being able to supervise the correct interpretation and application of regulations, procedures and guidelines;
  • Applying the deontology of the profession;
  • Reasoning capacity.

Materials used
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Course book, codex, syllabus and models of acts

Study costs
Codex and course book (possibly already acquired for the second year) at market price. Syllabus and copies: at the going rate for photocopies in Hogeschool Gent.

Study guidance
Follow-up of accomplished assignments;
Possibility to ask questions during and after classes.

Teaching Methods
  • Lecture with class exercises on the active use of the codex and models of judicial acts; interactive approach; group work; use of PC: models for judicial practice;
  • Group work: drawing up simple acts; cases; analysis of the course of a session with the seizure judge;
  • Analysis of jurisdiction; contacts with the professional field: visit to the registry, a court session, public sale by a bailiff, public sale by a notary.

  • First exam session: 20% continuous assessment (group work) and 80% written exam;
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students registered for the examinations only:
  • First exam session: 20% individual assignment and 80% written exam;
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
