Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Rechtspraktijk
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 12.5
Studytime [D] 75.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level specialized
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction English
Lecturer Edith Devolder
Reference RCBMGR03A00009
Key words
English, IWETO code H570 English language and literature

  • Expanding and refining command and skills acquired in the first and second years;
  • Optimizing the four skills in English in various professional communicative contexts;
  • Systematically expanding general and professional vocabulary.
This means the following professional competencies will be trained:
  • Being able to compose English business texts (letters, reports) that meet requirements of content, structure, language and style;
  • Being able to hold a conversation in as correct and fluent English as possible;
  • Being able to listen actively as a basis for a suitable response (meeting, negotiation, etc.);
  • Being able to look up online and offline information efficiently, being able to use this package to screen, select, classify and structure the information;
  • Being able to use the former for a logical and coherent discourse and being able to voice a motivated point of view both orally and in writing in as correct English as possible.
A direct link with professional practice e.g. texts) and a cross-course approach are pursued (i.e. topics from other courses may serve for assignments like report, meeting etc.).
The attitudes required are consequently a communicative attitude, accuracy, team orientation, assertiveness, problem solving capacity, stress resistance and respecting deadlines, critical attitude and intellectual curiosity.

Reading skill:
  • Up-to-date texts: terminology, translation, summarizing, viewing critically and discussing;
  • Understanding texts is sharpened and dialogue is encouraged;
Writing skill:
  • Reports and business correspondence in English;
  • Translation exercises stressing terminology;
  • Creative writing: being persuasive: expressing a founded point of view;
Speaking skill:
  • Presentations, group discussions in English;
  • Simulations: negotiating, meeting in English;
  • Applying for a job in English;
  • Translation: permanent attention to correct pronunciation and training presentation techniques;
Listening skill:
  • Is present in various situations (presentations, simulations, discussions, explanations);
Grammar: ad hoc

Assignments within and outside classes: all students make presentations, et various assignments requiring preparatory work, e.g. reading and interpreting professional reading in order to be able to participate to the learning dialogue or group discussion, studying terminology (translation!) etc…
Necessary coaching / briefing are provided.

A command of knowledge and skills of the first and second years.

Final Objectives
  • Knowing judicial English;
  • Command in speech and writing;
  • Knowing means and techniques of communication;
  • Knowing current issues in the profession;
  • Knowing reporting techniques.
  • Thinking and reasoning skills;
  • Capacity for critical reflection;
  • Being able to work on one's own;
  • Decisiveness;
  • Keeping knowledge up to date;
  • Consulting sources;
  • Acquiring and processing information;
  • Elementary command of a third language.
General and job-related:
  • Being able to work in a team;
  • Being able to argue;
  • Being sociable in a team, e.g. when executing assignments;
  • Looking up information efficiently (professional methodology);
  • Making information available and spreading it (multi-lingual communication);
  • Reporting in writing;
  • Expressing oneself correctly;
  • Correctly communicating on the telephone;
  • Being able to write a report oneself;
  • Organisation - being able to organize one's work oneself;· Working efficiently towards results;
  • Planning the short, middle and long term, adjusting whenever necessary;
  • Analytic and problem solving mindset;
  • Thinking logically.
  • Communicating fluently in professional contexts;
  • Being sociable to clients and co-workers;
  • Being able to correspond correctly in Dutch and in a foreign language.
  • Meticulousness when using judicial English.

Materials used
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Study costs

Study guidance

Teaching Methods

