Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Legal Practise
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Rechtspraktijk
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 500.0
Studytime [D] 500.0
Studypoints [E] 20
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access denied
Language of instruction Dutch or according agreement
Lecturer Roland Bohez
Reference RCBMGR03A00011
Key words
Internship and final paper, IWETO code S110 Jurisprudence

Internship helps students:
  • To apply knowledge and skills they acquired in school in a professional environment
  • To acquire new professional, justicial, technical skills;
  • To get acquainted with the professional demands of a working environment;
  • To make contacts that may become important when applying for a job;
  • To report orally and in writing on the newly acquired justicial and social skills.
Necessary attitudes (accuracy, flexibility, handling stress, organisational talent, drive, critical attitude, pragmatism, warranting confidentiality of data, sociability, inquisitiveness, autonomy, sense of cooperation, assertiveness …) will be developed further.
Students acquire a view of various career possibilities after their three-year training. They have the necessary skills to apply for a job.

The content of internship is determined by the job description.Internships take three months in a company legal department, with a notary, lawyer, bailiff, …

The content of the final paper will be agreed upon by student, mentor and coach in the first few weeks of internship at the latest.
The final paper will be presented and defended in May/June. The mentor will be invited.

Students learn about the professions they were trained for and get application training.

The final paper has to reach the department in electronic form, along with at least three paper copies. Students also give a copy to their internship organisation.

Students have the knowledge, skills and attitudes taught in the other courses.

Final Objectives

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Brochures on internship;
Internship brochure for RE.

Study costs
Expenses for travelling to the internship organisation;
Expenses for the final paper;
Expenses for the job application seminar: approx. € 160;
Any expenses connected with internship, including the medical examination, are borne by the students.

Study guidance
Personal coaching by the coach (school) and the mentor (organisation).

Teaching Methods
Students find an internship position themselves, where they will be able to work and learn. It is the intention to get to know as many aspects of professional life as possible.
Internship is run along the lines of a job assignment discussed and agreed beforehand by coach, mentor and student. During the internship the coach will visit students on their jobs and assess their learning process together with the mentor.
Students record their activities in a logbook. Instructions on this are in the internship brochure.

The final paper is written in Dutch, unless otherwise agreed.

During internship, the following qualifications of students will be assessed: autonomy, sense of initiative, inquisitiveness, organisational talent, assertiveness, critical attitude, pragmatism, flexibility, accuracy, service attitude, loyalty, sense of cooperation, empathy, decisiveness, perseverance, sociability, discerning and solving problems, sense of responsibility, productive language skill, etc.

First exam session:
The coach assesses the final paper and the internship on the grounds, among other things, of his / her own findings and the mentor's advice. In assessing the final paper, content is first and foremost. Another item in this assessment is: what professional literature did the student consult?
Language, style, presentation and personal view expressed in the conclusion are not to be neglected.
Finally, oral defence has an important part to play.Internship assessment is marked as follows:
  1. Performance during internship - on the grounds, among other things, of the coach's own findings and the mentor's advice, 40%;
  2. Marks for the final paper, 30%;
  3. Presentation and defence of the final paper, 30%.
Second exam session:
Marks for internship performance count for the second exam session.
The final paper gets a work over and is defended anew orally.

Students registered for the examinations only:The same as regular students.
Students have to take a credit contract subscription.
