Key words Psychology.
Objectives In everyday life a Bachelor in Special Education is not able to do without his psychological perceptions. They are the cornerstone of his communication and daily dealings with patients, of his orthopedagogical methodologies, of group-dynamic processes,… These perceptions are key to the ‘Psychology’ course.
The purpose of this training module is to shape these objectives by fostering and developing the following core skills from the training profile:
Job-specific core skills
-1. Drawing upon the professional attitude, to give a tailor-made answer (both verbal and non-verbal) to the customer’s pleas for help.
General core skills
General job core skill
-2. To be able to define on his own and to analyse awkward and complex situations in occupational practice and to be able to develop and to implement sound strategies for problem-solving.
Supporting subset skill:
- Proceeding from a clear and definite vision and based on a theoretical framework, to be
able to deal methodically with patients.
General ( generic) core skill
-3. To reason logically, correctly and with a wide-ranging point of view.
Supporting subset skill:
- To make sufficient and correct use of relevant conceptual frameworks.
-4. Through his commitment and involvement, to devise and to implement solutions to problems and issues in occupational practice. In this connection, one has the ability to think “outside the box”, is project-oriented, methodical and creative.
Supporting subset skill:
- To analyze a new problem by applying theoretically sound methods.
This training module lies on standard educational route 1 because it constitutes a starting-point (or directly supports) other modules, such as ‘Developmental psychology and education’ and ‘Working in and with groups 1 and 2’, several optional subjects in educational route 2 and 3, optional subject ‘Current themes in Psychology and education’.
Topics A well-structured overview of the main basic concepts, theories, domains and schools of thought within psychology:
- a definition of psychology;
- psychology as a science;
- the objectives;
- the sub-disciplines;
- the fields of application;
- therapy;
- differential psychology;
Investigational methods;
- representative sample;
- case study;
- introspection;
Psychological schools of thought:
- Psychoanalysis: including the Freudian conceptual framework and related methods of approach;
- Behaviourism: basic assumptions, conditioning processes, computational modelling,...;
- Humanistic psychology: e.g. the theories of Rogers, Gordon, Maslow and basic concepts such as empathy, client-centred, validation,...;
- System thinking and communication-theoretical perspectives;
- Cognitive psychology: cognitive maps, the Stimulus-Organism-Response-Consequences
(S-O-R-C) model, learning- and thought processes, Rational Emotive Psychotherapy (RET), memory and (creative/lateral) thinking techniques;
- Evolutionary psychology: illustration of the underlying principle/rationale;
- Other movements or schools of philosophy, e.g. Gestalt psychology.
Prerequisites Entry-level skills
Exit qualifications in secondary education.
Final Objectives Exit-level skills
The core skills from the training profile listed in the ‘objectives’ section are fully underpinned by the following exit-level skills of the training module:
At the level of knowledge and comprehension
The students:
- With a penchant for completeness, correctly define psychology as a scientific discipline;
- Correctly define the essential characteristics and the methods that can be used when analyzing a psychological problem (observation, case study, interview, empathy,..);
- Are able to differentiate between the basic concepts, theories and frameworks of various psychological schools of thought (psychoanalysis, behaviourism, humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology, Gestalt psychology, system thinking, evolutionary psychology, ...);
- Can cite the main literary criticisms of various psychological theories.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Learning pack (obtainable via the courseware department).
Study costs The cost price is estimated at approx. 10 euros.
Study guidance Individual consultation (tutoring/monitoring) by appointment.
Contact details: item Lecture(s).
Teaching Methods Lectures with:
- question and answer technique;
- illustrations;
- discussing particular cases;
- assimilation of textual material and personal supplementary work by the students.
Assessment An examination for this training module is scheduled in the exam period at the end of the semester in which you took this course.
A written examination with multiple choice questions. The examination focuses on the topics and exit-level skills of this training module. The total number of questions is limited to what can be got through comfortably within the allotted time for the exam.
An analogous written exam is organized during the resits.