Taught in 1st year Bachelor in remedial education
Theory [A] 60.0
Exercises [B] 12.0
Training and projects [C] 12.0
Studytime [D] 252.0
Studypoints [E] 9
Level introductory
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Marie-Rose Pauwels
Reference SCORTH01A00015
Key words
Orthopedagogics 1.

The starting-point for care and support rendered by a Bachelor in Special Education is a reference framework in Orthopedagogics.
To get a clear grasp of current trends within special education/ orthopedagogics (care, support), the student should be able to contextualize these from a broader perspective.
To expedite the search for the right mix of welfare and counselling services on offer at a particular client, a sound knowledge of the complexity and type of the different target groups is indispensable. Since the student usually works in a multidisciplinary team, with both medics and paramedics on it, (s)he ought to be familiar with current scientific and medical terminology. Furthermore, it’s also essential that the student, from the outset, gets as complete an overview as possible of the field of special education/orthopedagogical work field.

The purpose of this training module is to shape these objectives by fostering and developing the following core skills from the training profile:

Job-specific core skills
-1. To lend shape systematically and in consultation with the client and/or with other welfare agencies, the cyclic and regulative process of orthopedagogical acting.
Supporting subset skill:
        - To spot individual potential in orthopedagogical practice; to recognize the
        extraordinary within the ordinary.

-2. Drawing upon the professional attitude, to give a tailor-made answer (both verbal and non-verbal) to the customer’s pleas for help.
Supporting subset skills:
        - To be able to make well-reasoned choices relating to the demand-driven deployment of a
        service platform and social welfare;
        - To support and to uphold the interests and rights of the customer, in close consultation with the client.

-3. To give in a pedagogically astute way, tutoring/counselling to clients on how to manage their lives.
Supporting subset skill:
        - To encourage and to support different aspects of a person’s development
        (moral, affective, social, physical and cognitive).

General core skills
General ( generic) core skills
-4. To acquire objectively information, unaided, and to assimilate it ( Data acquisition and assimilation).
Supporting subset skills:
        - To look for relevant (national and international) information. To localize the source, to
         analyse it, to put it in the right order and to synthesize it;
        - To utilize (school-based) ICT facilities and resources.

-5. To communicate properly (both written and verbal) with representatives of the own occupation, with representatives of other occupations and with people in authority.
Supporting subset skills:
        - To explain clearly (both written and verbal) opinions, ideas and information in a
         language appropriate to the corporate/social situation, and to utilise the relevant ‘speak’
         (specialist terminology).
        - To use communication tools efficiently and effectively (which tools to use will depend on
         the objectives and the target audience).

6. To incorporate theoretical frameworks, concepts and results of research work in problems of the occupational practice and to attribute to certain aspects of research.
Supporting subset skill:
        - To define a simple problem, to set the goals of research in practice, to choose the method
        of research based on relevant theoretical frameworks.

This training module ties in closely on standard educational route 1 with the module ‘Orthopedagogical Practice 1’ in which the student’s knowledge of the target groups and specialist fields is broadened by inviting guest speakers and organizing site visits.
It also ties in closely with the other target groups and specialist fields of the partner module:
’ Orthopedagogics 2’ (on standard educational route 1).
The training module also provides a supportive framework for ‘Work placement’ (on standard educational routes 2 and 3).

Part 1: General introduction to Orthopedagogics
Three large domains are elucidated: theoretical Orthopedagogics, target groups and specialist fields.

Theoretical Orthopedagogics:
- Orthopedagogics: devising an individual education plan that is systematic, methodical and sound;
- A constantly evolving image of society and philosophical visions within Orthopedagogics;
- Comparative Orthopedagogics;
- Residential Orthopedagogics;
- Ambulant Orthopedagogics.
Target groups: definition - aetiology - classification - diagnostics - guidance - counselling People with:
- a mental handicap;
- a physical handicap;
- a visual handicap;
- an auditory handicap;
- multiple disabilities
- a non-congenital brain injury (NCBI)
The fields of Orthopedagogics:
- general sector of Orthopedagogics;
- support and supervision of people with a handicap: the Flemish Agency for Disabled Persons.
- special, integrated and inclusive education for people with disabilities or learning difficulties.

Part 2: The underlying biological aetiology of the different target groups, the mechanisms in the brain, giving particular attention to the possible disorders and their effect on a person’s behaviour, the impact of psychotropic drugs and psychoactive substances, paediatric diseases and vaccinations.
- Genetics: genetic code, cell division, classic hereditary patterns and genetic counselling;
- Neurosciences: mechanisms in the central nervous system, possible pathologies in particular epilepsy;
- Psychopharmacology: anxiolytics, antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs;
- Psychoactive substances and (drug/medicine) dependency: psychoanaleptics, psychodysleptics and alcohol;
- Paediatric diseases and vaccinations.

Entry-level skills
Exit qualifications in secondary education.

Final Objectives
Exit-level skills
The core skills from the training profile listed in the ‘objectives’ section are fully underpinned by the following exit-level skills of the training module:

At the level of knowledge and comprehension
The students:
- Can differentiate the essence in aetiology, the classification of the target groups under consideration and the effects thereof (approximately, at least);
- Can exhaustively describe the sphere of social casework and are able to formulate critical objections on the subject.

At the application level - skills
The students:
- Make correct use of the biomedical and orthopedagogical lexicon;
- Apply the theory they’ve learned to actual cases.

At the level of integration
The students:
- Can link the right set of social services to a certain known problem.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
- Broekaert, E. & Van Hove, G. (editors) (2005). Handboek bijzondere orthopedagogiek. (Manual of special education/ orthopedagogics). Antwerp, Apeldoorn: Garant.
- Vanderplasschen, W., Vandevelde, S., Claes, C, Broekaert, E. & Van Hove, G. (2006). Orthopedagogische werkvelden in beweging: organisatie en tendensen. (The fields of special education/ orthopedagogical work field in a state of flux: organization and current trends). Antwerp, Apeldoorn: Garant.
- Syllabus (obtainable from the courseware department).

Study costs
The cost price is estimated at approx. 80 euros.

Study guidance
Any questions you might have can be put to the teachers in class or by appointment;
At the end of this training module the teacher shall explain how to study the theoretical frames of this module and shall also indicate the most important topics;
Some examples of examination questions shall be presented.

Teaching Methods
Interactive lectures (e.g. a classroom debate);
Guest lectures given by experiential experts;
Individual exercises with whole-class discussion;
Casuistry (case reports and case study groups);
Made concrete with visual material;
Problem-based teaching;
Instruction-based teaching;
(Guided) self-study.

In this training module the evaluation consists of:

1. A written examination (85% of the marks) with restrictive questions, open-ended questions, multiple choice questions at the knowledge-, comprehension- and application levels.
The exam focuses on the topics and exit-level skills of this training module.
The total number of questions is limited to what can be got through comfortably within the allotted time for the exam.

2. Group tasks (15% of the marks)
In exceptional case studies (e.g. if the student was legitimately absent for group work), an alternative exercise can be set by the teacher. This must be handed in before the first examination period is due to start.
Students will be informed about the criteria of evaluation.

A written examination (100% of the marks).

Marie-Rose Pauwels (
Els Cokelaere (
Katia Perquy (