Taught in 1st year Bachelor in remedial education
Theory [A] 6.0
Exercises [B] 18.0
Training and projects [C] 12.0
Studytime [D] 84.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level introductory
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer christina Pauwels
Reference SCORTH01A00023
Key words
Creative skills and methods 2.

A Bachelor in Special Education work on basis of their own capabilities and limitations. You are aware of yourself as an ‘educative tool’, so to speak. Deepening and expanding your creative talents is a prerequisite for learning to coach and supervise a group with a focused and purposeful attitude.
This training module coming, as it does (in standard educational route 1), is a logical sequel to the subject matter that was taught earlier in ‘Creative skills and methods 1’. Here, the ‘cocooned’ learning process makes way for a relatively ‘exposed’ learning environment, in which the spotlight is squarely on the student. It is a penetrating and insightful journey of self-exploration to discover one’s strengths and weaknesses as an educative tool, and how to apply one’s skills to good purpose.

The purpose of this training module is to shape these objectives by fostering and developing the following core skills from the training profile:

Job-specific core skills
-1. Proceeding from one’s own identity and a solid theoretical basis, to display professional competence in the vocational practice; to be objectively critical, communicative and creative.
Supporting subset skill:
        - In a creative way (and well-founded theoretically), to apply creative skills and
        methods correctly when rendering orthopedagogical support.

-2. To organise and to monitor of processes (medical care, nursing, guidance, counselling and treatment) affecting our daily lives (organizing and support of work processes).
Supporting subset skill:
        - To highlight the different basic types. To employ social and creative interpersonal skills
        and to appropriate methods in medical care, nursing, guidance, counselling and treatment.

General core skills
General job core skill
-3. To cooperate with others in an interdisciplinary, intercultural and international professional work environment ( To work in a team).
Supporting subset skills:
        - To employ group-dynamic and communicative insights and skills constructively for
        effective teamwork.

General ( generic) core skills
-4. The capacity to objectively reflect on one’s own functional performance.
Supporting subset skills:
        - To employ critical reflection/introspection as a useful tool to develop a professionally-
        oriented attitude.

-5. To be aware of the limitations of your skills and be willing to address your personal ‘skills gap’ (i.e. a disposition toward lifelong learning).
Supporting subset skills:
        - To identify your own qualities and limitations with the requisite insight, based on
        objectively critical reflection.

This training module ‘Creative skills and methods 1’ makes the link to the training modules ‘‘Orthopedagogical Practice 1 and 2’’ and ‘Educational skills and methods’ (in standard educational route 1).
It also lays the foundation for the training modules ‘Working in and with groups 1 and 2’ (in standard educational route 2), optional subject ‘Creative work’ (in standard educational route 3).
This module serves as a pointer to all training modules who are focusing orthopedagogical occupational practice.

The following two main pillars, Drama and Gaming, of the course are presented thematically, preceded by a period of general introduction:
General introduction
- Place the meaning and significance of creative-social casework within the orthopedagogical practice of a bachelor in Special Education.
- Experimental use of one’s own body as a means of dramatic expression;
- Characteristics of a polished presentation: learn your own front-of-class presentation by practice - in a team - and then pick holes (constructively) in the front-of-class presentations of your classmates.
Gaming: game forms to test your educational skills
- Systematically implement ‘a 5-stage plan’ in all its aspects;
- Lend shape to various communicative game forms in social casework.

Entry-level skills
Exit qualifications in secondary education.

Final Objectives
Exit-level skills
The core skills from the training profile listed in the ‘objectives’ section are fully underpinned by the following exit-level skills of the training module:

At the level of knowledge and comprehension
The students:
- Can correctly distinguish which different play elements are present in the stage- or role plays;
- Concur in the importance of the giving and receiving of constructive feedback in a learning process.

At the application level - skills
The students:
- Creatively develop a self-styled presentation;
- Are flexible as to what form a ‘learning through play’ exercise should take;
- Tackle the different ‘learning through play’ exercises with a degree of creative flair.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus (the same as under: Musical Skills and Methods 1).

Study costs
The cost price is estimated at approx. 10 euros.

Study guidance
Exercises and feedback in class;
Possibility of conferring with the teachers involved.
Contact details: item Lecture(s).

Teaching Methods
Following teaching methods are used:
- A practice group: the students experiment with dramatic methods and communicative game forms (in social casework) under the expert guidance and direction of the teacher e.g.: experimental use of one’s own body as an educative tool;
- Individual and group tasks: the students experiment with dramatic methods and communicative game forms in social casework e.g.: prepare and perform a front-of-class stage- or role play; prepare and play a game to test one’s interpersonal skills.

In this training module the evaluation consists of:

1. Continuous assessment (70% of the marks): throughout the different practice sessions, the teacher deduces – based on the student’s actual behaviour – which attitudes/standpoints have underpinned the student’s broad set of skills.
Presence during lessons is necessary.
Students will be informed about the criteria of evaluation at the start of the training module.

2. Product evaluation (30% of the marks): the end-of-term assignment gives students an opportunity to work in small groups and – in the games, stage- or role plays – to apply all the teaching materials they’ve been issued with. As for the envisaged product, the teacher is looking for a 15-minute-long, front-of-class presentation (per small group of 6 to 8 students). Students will be informed about the criteria of evaluation at the start of the training module.

Regarding the product evaluation part, provision is made, in the resits, for an analogous assignment (30% of the marks). The marks gained in the continuous assessment part (70% of the marks) during the first examination period are carried over

Lecturers :
Christina Pauwels (