Taught in 2de jaar professionele Bachelor in de textieltechnologie
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 36.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 160.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract? Unrestricted access
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Greet Raes
Reference TCTEXT02A00004
Key words
dyes,disperging, wetting and deterging agents

The theoretical course offers a conclusive knowledge for students who want te strive for a broad education within the field of textile finishing.
The exercises lead to skills within the field of textile-chemical analyses.
Therefore the students are expected to :
* Work independently in the laboratory.
* Obtain practical insight.
* Work accurately.
* Report observations and calculations.

Theory : Chemistry of the major dye classes ; discussion of some important instrumental techniques for the quality control of dyes (colorimetry, colour measurements with CMS, chromatography,...) Discussion of wetting, disperging and deterging agents.
Exercises : volumetric analyses ; gravimetric analyses ; colorimetric analyses ; colour measurements with CMS-system ; viscosity measurements ; analysis on the identication of dyes ; chemical analysis on fiber damage ; analysis on tensioactive agents, varia. Theoretical exercises.


Final Objectives

Materials used
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teacher's course

Study costs
Theory : ±5 euro ; Exercises : ±4 euro

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
theoretical and practical exercises

Theoretical course : oral examination. With possibility of re-examination. Exercises are evaluated permanently by the means of : -written tests (1/3) -the general way of working in the lab (1/3) - written reports (1/3) The score is divided as follows : 50% theory and 50% exercises. Re-examination is not possible for exercises.
