Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in Applied Linguistics English - German
3rd year Bachelor in Applied Linguistics English - French
3de jaar Bachelor in de toegepaste taalkunde
3rd year Bachelor in Applied Linguistics English - Russian
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Schakelprogramma tot de Master in de meertalige communicatie
Schakelprogramma tot de Master in het tolken
Schakelprogramma tot de Master in het vertalen
Voorbereidingsprogramma tot de Master in de meertalige communicatie
Voorbereidingsprogramma tot de Master in de meertalige communicatie
Voorbereidingsprogramma tot de Master in het tolken
Voorbereidingsprogramma tot de Master in het tolken
Voorbereidingsprogramma tot de Master in het vertalen
Voorbereidingsprogramma tot de Master in het vertalen
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer David Chan
Reference VBTAAL03A00085
Key words
h570 English literatures

1. introduce students to a range of literary texts from 16th -21st century
2. examine a range of themes (race, gender, cultural conflict) explored in the texts
3. engage in the close analysis of literary texts

1. The Sonnet
2. Shakespeare, Hamlet
3. Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
4. The Romantics
5. Edgar Allan Poe
6. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
7. War Poetry
8. Modernist Voices
9. Toni Morrison, Beloved
10. Annie L Proulx
11. Irish Poetry

Advanced level English
The previous study of literature in English is not a requirement.

Final Objectives
By the end of the course students should be able to :
· analyse a text with an awareness of the operations of language and form.
· discuss a range of texts in their historical and cultural contexts.
· demonstrate an awareness of significant literary movements.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Syllabus (lecture notes and excerpts)
Set texts

Study costs
Cost: 40.0 EUR
In addition to the syllabus notes, students should purchase Hamlet, Robinson Crusoe, Heart of Darkness and Beloved - estimated cost €40.

Study guidance
Read the relevant notes and texts before each lecture.
Take notes during the lecture to supplement notes provided in the syllabus.

Teaching Methods

Essays 60%; Oral Examination 40%

David Chan (Elit)