Key words terminology, terminography, thesaurus construction, terminology management
Objectives In this course the principles of terminology and terminography will be discussed and illustrated in such a way that students will be able to apply these principles in practice. This course aims also to inform the students about new developments in the field of terminology as well as about search methods on the internet.
Topics Topics related to the theory of terminology such as: basic principles of terminology (concept, conceptual system, definition, term), neology, LSP, standardisation.
Some practical topics such as: multilingual terminography, methodology, term extraction, terminological record GenTerm, thesaurus construction, terminology management tools (with a hands-on session of MultiTerm (SDL Trados)).
General info on the web as a source of data, tools to search the web, terminology resources available on the internet such as glossaries and term banks, reliability of sources. National and international activities and projects.
Prerequisites No previous knowledge in the field of terminology required.
Final Objectives By the end of the course students understand what terminology/terminography is and why it is important for translators, they are familiar with the principles and strategies when searching for and collecting terminology, and they are able to create their own terminology database using the appropriate terminology management tools.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information::
The students can find all course material on the electronic learning platform Dokeos.
Study costs
Study guidance
Students can contact the teacher during the hours or by e-mail.
Teaching Methods
Lectures and practical exercises in a computer room.
Assessment Written exam (50%) + assignment (50%)
Written exam: testing the knowledge of the principles of terminology.
Assignment: each student has to do an individual terminographic assignment in which he/she applies the principles of terminology/terminography in practice.
Second examination period ("re-sits"): students who make the exam in the second examination period, must do the assignment and the written exam. Only those who passed the assignment in the first examination period, don’t have to do the assignment and can keep the partial mark.
Lecturer(s) Carine DE GROOTE (Sf)