Taught in Postgraduaat Dutch & Translation
Postgraduaat Dutch & Translation
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Bart Defrancq
Reference VYDUTR01A00025
Key words
s-155 Europees recht, h-271 Politieke geschiedenis, h-365 Vertaalwetenschappen

The course aims at providing students of the Postgraduate Certificate “Dutch & Translation” with a solid background in the law, the institutions and the languages of the European Union and a feel of the work-flow at one of the translation services of the EU. Students of the Postgraduate Certificate are indeed likely to become involved, either through free-lance contracts or through the exams the EU organises for future translators, with EU-related matters. A good knowledge of the European machinery and the organisation of the EUs translation services is a clear advantage for a carreer in translation. Besides the transfer of basic knowledge, the course also aims at helping students gain insight in the specific problems a multilingual legal framework poses and in the importance of the translation process therein. On the more general level, it will thus underline the relevance of a training in translation.
The course is directly complementary with the course on “Society and Institutions of the Low Countries”.

The course “Law, institutions and languages in the EU” focuses on the history of European integration, the institutional framework of the EU and its reform, the distribution of powers and money inside the EU, the specificity of EU law, the status of languages and the translation issue inside the EU.
The subject matter of the course is thematically ordered.
The course comprises an excursion to one of the translation services at the EU and a short student paper on a particular topic relating to translation of EU legislation.

A fair knowledge of English.

Final Objectives
Awareness of the specific nature of the EU as an international legal order.
Awareness and analysis of translation in a multilingual legal environment.

Materials used
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The relevant material will be made available via Dokeos (powerpoints) and the copy service (syllabus).
Compulsory reading: - Cini, M. (2007), European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Study costs
Cost: 63.0 EUR
Purchase of syllabus: 3 EUR
Purchase of manual: 35 EUR
Excursion Study visit: 25 EUR

Study guidance
Supervision of the student paper.
Weekly contact hours.

Teaching Methods
Company visit

Examination: Written (70%); Student paper (30%)
Details: The written exam will consist of open questions on the subject matter of the course, the manual and the excursion The student paper will be on a topic relating to translation in the EU.
