Wordt gegeven in Keuzelijst
Hoorcollege [A] 24.0
Werkcollege [B] 0.0
Begel. zelfst./extern werk [C] 0.0
Totale studietijd [D] 75.0
Studiepunten [E] 3
Niveau gespecialiseerd
Creditcontract? niet toegelaten
Examencontract? niet toegelaten
Onderwijstaal Engels
Titularis Peggy Van Acker
Referentie ROIBMG01A00028
Strategy, Entrepreneurship, IWETO-code: s190 Bedrijfsbeleid

  • Understand the basis for success of a company and be able to formulate strategic options for future success.
  • Understand the factors that prevent companies from successful strategy implementation and learn how to cope with these factors
  • Understand how the innovative power of companies can be strengthened and develop plans for product innovation.

  • Strategic Management Review
  • Scanning the Environment
  • Building up a Competitive Advantage
  • Building the Future
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Turning Strategy into Action

Good knowledge of ‘Marketing Management’ and basic knowledge of ‘Management and Organization’ is required.

  1. Understanding and influencing the competitive environment for an organization
    • The students can describe and analyse the customer segments and their respective needs
    • The students can describe and analyse the different types of competition and the threats coming from them
    • The students can describe and analyse the other elements of the environment
    • The students can describe and analyse the actual strategy of the organization
  2. Strategy formulation, evaluation and implementation
    • The students can, starting from a specific internal and external analysis, formulate goals and objectives.
    • The students can link appropriate strategic options to the goals and objectives
    • The students can implement the marketing mix based upon the strategic choices that have been made and formulate the consequences for the current business model
    • The students can evaluate the strategic options and think of possible competitive reactions
  3. Create an entrepreneurial context for the organization
    • The students can describe and analyse the elements that create an innovative organization
    • The students can influence those elements and can come up with suggestions to set up a more innovative and customer focused organization culture
    • The students have a good understanding of how to manage the innovation process in an organization
  4. Information handling, information processing and formulating recommendations in a professional way
    • The students can process information in order to obtain good strategic analysis and a full understanding of the strategic issue
    • The students can give specific recommendations concerning strategic topics

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Syllabus written by the teacher will be available.

Copies available at prices determined bij the Ghent University College

Students can ask questions concerning the different topics
Coaching when solving cases and doing exercises.

Interactive teaching
Case studies

  • Eerste examenzittijd: 100% Oral examination
  • Tweede examenzittijd: 100% Oral examination

Geen inschrijvingen met Creditcontract of Examencontract

Deze ECTS-fiche werd opgesteld door:
  • Willem Buekens