Key words Agricultural mechanisation, agricultural machinery, farm animal housing, climate control
Objectives This course must learn the students to use technical sciences in application for agriculture and horticultue. The students must have a basic knowledge of the most important working principles of agricultural machinery whereby they obtain to understand the working of other agricultural machinery. The students have to learn to apply engineering sciences in climate control of natural and forced ventilated animal houses. The lay-out and equipment of animal houses will be studied taking into account the requirements of the animals and the farmer.
Topics The course has to main parts. In the first part, engineering sciences are used for the study of the climate control of natural and forced ventilated agricultural buildings. Besides the theoretical calculation methods, practical examples will be worked out on individual and on group level. The lay-out and equipment for cattle, pig and poultry houses will be studied, with respect to the requirements of the animals and the farmer.
In the second part a detailed description of the operation and construction of the major agricultural machines. The following agricultural machines are discussed: ploughs, soil cultivaton implements, sowing machines, fertiliser spreaders and spraying equipment. During the practical exercises the operation and adjustment of these machines are discussed.
Prerequisites Students must have a basic knowledge of
- Agricultural machinery (must have seen eg. Plough, sowing machines, sprayers, fertiliser spreaders, etc.)
- Machinery construction (insight in construction designs)
- Basics of forces (forces, force transition, moment, enz.)
- Engineering basics (law of Bernouilli, laminar and turbulent flow of fluïda, etc.)
- Animal Houses (must have seen some animal houses, green houses, milking installation, machinery hall etc.)
Final Objectives
- Students must be able to apply engineering sciences in applications for agriculture and horticulture
- Students must acquire an insight in the construction of the plough, soil cultivation machines, sowing machines, spraying equipment and fertiliser spreaders
- Students must have a practical and theoretical knowledge of the adjustment of the agricultural machines
- Students must acquire an insight in the practical and theoretical aspects of climate control of agricultural buildings and the lay-out and equipment of cattle, pig and poultry houses. Besides an insight in the design of new agricultural buildings, the student must be able to detect problems and to propose solutions for the renovation of older agricultural buildings.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: The syllabus consists of two parts: Climate control of animal houses, construction and equipment for cattle, pig, and poultry houses and the construction of milking installations. The second part consists of: plough, soil cultivation machines, sowing machines, field sprayers and fertiliser spreaders
Syllabus Agrosystems engineering: approx. 250 pages (+ figures/pictures)
Study costs Cost: 75.0 EUR Syllabus 25 euro
Practica: 50 euro (PCLT Roeselare and Agricultural Engineering, ILVO)
Study guidance
- Follow-up through calculation excercises
- Follow-up through practical excercises: PCLT Roeselare / Agricultural Engineering ILVO)
- Follow-up through interaction with students
- Group work: ventilation study in an animal house
- Group work: design of a scientific experiment related to livestock houses
Teaching Methods Lectures with illustrations (power point presentations)
Practical lessons: PCLT Roeselare and Agricultural Engineering, ILVO
Guided group work
Assessment Oral examination with written preparation (1st and 2nd examination)
Assessment of reports on visits and exercises
Group discussion
Weighting coefficient
Lecturer(s) Bart SONCK
Veerle DERYCKE en Nicolas WULLEPIT