Taught in Master in de biowetenschappen: land- en tuinbouwkunde - afstudeerrichting: tropische plantaardige productie
Theory [A] 48.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 36.0
Studytime [D] 180.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract? Access denied
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Nog niet bepaald
Reference BMLTBE01A00001
Key words
Plant production, tropical crops, farming systems, food crops, non-food crops

To become acquainted with the most important aspects of tropical plant production as part of an integrated production system addressing plant and animal production in relation with the environment.
To get acquainted with specific techniques in tropical plant propagation (through practical sessions).

A. Theory
Tropical plant production is presented through its many aspects (farming system, specific methods,...) and characterised as to its different systems (slash and burn, semi-nomadic systems, ley farming, irrigated systems, plantation systems, integrated plant and animal production) and integrative systems (agroforestry). Selected examples are discussed and specific production methods, constraints and problems, and solutions are addressed. Food (millet, sorghum, soya, groundnut, yam, cassave,...) and non-food crops (rubber, cacao, coffea, tea, cotton,...) in different ecologies are presented and discussed.

B. Practical sessions:
Propagation techniques (strike cuttings, grafting, sowing and seed treatment) Additional visits to the tropical greenhouse (UGent) and the laboratory of tropical crop production (KULeuven)

Final competences acquired for “Anatomie en morfologie van hogere planten”, “Plantenfysiologie”, Bodemkunde en ecologie”, “Fytotechnie en ecofysiologie” and “Gewasbescherming”.

Final Objectives
Theoretical and practical knowledge on tropical crop production and production systems in tropical countries.
Insight in problems, solutions and techniques, specific for tropical plant production.

General competence: Able to provide an original contribution to knowledge in one or more parts of the field

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Teaching on tropical crops is supported by a CD-ROM containing all relevant information and illustrations on tropical crops. A syllabus and PowerPoint presentations are available

Study costs
Estimated cost: 45 euro

Study guidance
Permanent possibility to make an appointment with lecturer and assistants.

Teaching Methods
Theory: oral lectures
Exercises: practical sessions in the greenhouses/nurseries focusing on propagation

Theory: only written examination
Exercises: seminar work/reports

Coefficient :
Theory: 72.7%
Exercises: 27.3%

Patrick Van Damme (UGent, FBW)
Céline Termote (UGent, FBW)