Key words Agricultural machinery, agricultural mechanisation, agricultural mechanics, harvesting machinery.
Objectives This course must provide students with a general insight in the operation of harvesting machines. Besides the construction of a number of specific harvesting machines the students become familiar with the basic principles of operation as generally applied on harvesting machines whereby they obtain a solid basis to understand the working of other harvesting machinery (not included in the course).
Topics The course gives a detailed description of the construction and operation of the main harvesting machines. The following agricultural machinery is treated: potato harvesters, beet harvesters, combine harvesters, choppers, manure injectors, pick-up balers and big balers, and machines for roughage production (mowers, rakers, pick-ups, …). During the exercises the students can see the machinery in operation and visits are organised to constructors of machinery.
Prerequisites The students must be familiar with:
- agricultural machines (i.e. must have seen harvesting equipment)
- construction of machinery (insight in the construction of machinery)
- theory of the strength of materials (forces, distribution of forces, etc.).
Final Objectives
- The students must obtain an insight in the construction of several harvesting machines (potato harvesters, beet harvesters, lawn mowers, tedders, combine harvesters, manure injectors, etc.)
- Students must have a practical and theoretical knowledge of the adjustment of agricultural machinery
- Knowledge of the quality of agricultural produce.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: The syllabus contains chapters dedicated to each type of harvesting machines.
Syllabus Addendum Agricultural Mechanisation: approx. 300 pp. (incl. figures and photographs).
Study costs Cost: 75.0 EUR Textbook: 25 Euro
Practical exercises: 50 Euro.
Study guidance
- follow-up through calculation exercises
- follow-up through practical exercises: PCLT Roeselare and DVL Merelbeke
- interaction with students.
Teaching Methods - Lectures with illustrations (PowerPoint presentations)
- Practical lessons PCLT Roeselare and DVL Merelbeke.
Assessment Oral examinations with written preparation
Assessment of reports on visits and exercises.
Weighting coefficient
Theory: 4/5
Exercises: 1/5
Lecturer(s) Bart Sonck