Key words Hydroponics, substrate, water, sensor
Objectives The objective is to learn how a plant can be cultured without soil. This up to date growth technique is not only applied for fruit vegetables, but also for cut flower production and pot plants. The future master has to know de different growing systems and their variants and the consequences for the environment.
Topics The course starts with definition, historical overview, advantages and disadvantages and importance. Pure hydroponics, Nutrient Film Technique, substrate culture and aeroponics are treated. Common substrates are discussed as well as water quality, treatment and storage. Feeding solution composition is calculated and controlled by EC and pH meters. The importance of ion ratios and concentrations is illustrated with practical examples. The technical equipment and automation possibilities are discussed, as well as sensors, nutrient dosage, drip irrigation, water dosage control and sterilisation of recirculating feeding solutions.
Prerequisites General and anorganic chemistry I en II, "Horticulture and technique, nutrient management
Final Objectives
- Ability to design a hydroponic system
- Ability to avoid and to solve problems in hydroponics or soilless cultures
- To develop an science based vision on crop production systems
General competences:
The ability to deal with the complexity of biological production systems and to think multidisciplinary (chemistry- technique - plant culture - environment)
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Course " Grondloze teelten", video, powerpoint, WWW
Study costs Cost: 50.0 EUR syllabus + excursions: 50.0 EUR
Study guidance Permanent possibility for questioning, guidance and coaching.
Teaching Methods Lectures with various practical illustrations
Exercises with small scale hydroponic systems
Assessment Written examination and quotated exercises
Weighing coefficient :
Lecturer(s) Stefaan WERBROUCK en Filip DEBERSAQUES