Taught in Master in de biowetenschappen: voedingsindustrie
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 24.0
Studytime [D] 120.0
Studypoints [E] 4
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract? Access denied
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Mia Eeckhout
Reference BMLVDG01A00001
Key words
Risk assessment, risk analysis, risk management

The main objective is to make students aware of the importance of food safety and of the efforts that need to be taken concerning process organisation and process analyses to manage possible risks. For a master student in food industry, an optimal acquaintanceship with HACCP is a necessity.

  • The HACCP principles, legal framework
  • Risk analyses
  • Defining the different hazards for the main sectors and assessing of the risks
  • Risk management: importance of monitoring, preventive and corrective measures
  • By means of a case study, the theory is put to the test in a practical exercise

Students achieved the final objectives of “food microbiology”, “food technology” and “unit processes in the food industry”. Knowledge of “quality assurance systems, auto control and production processes is recommended.

Final Objectives
  • To be able to conduct a hazard analysis and assign critical points based on knowledge of various subsectors and available information sources
  • To be able to set up a HACCP plan without further guidance
  • To be able to (help to) conduct a HACCP audit
Competences in general:
To be capable to handle complex problems

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Course notes: reference books
Library: journals

Study costs
Cost: 6.0 EUR
Course notes: ± 6.0 EUR

Study guidance
Permanent possibility for Q&A

Teaching Methods
Set up of a HACCP study independently

Oral exam with written preparation
The task that the students perform on their own is evaluated on accuracy, completeness and the level of detail attained.

Weighing coefficient:
  • Theory: 66,7%
  • Exercises: 33,3%
Consult the departmental supplementations on education and exam regulation for specific modalities.
