Key words DNA structure, detection techniques for nucleic acids and proteins, PCR, quality aspects, quantitative molecular techniques, genetic identification techniques, molecular markers, molecular (microbiological) typing technniques
Objectives Lately several developments have taken place in the field of the analysis and identification techniques. A clear trend is the increasing use of nucleic and protein based analysis methods. In the present course the student will gain knowledge of some of the different available molecular and genetic identification techniques and their applications. Emphasis will be given not only to the basic concepts, but also several recent trends will be discussed.
Topics The course gives an lineary organised overview of some of the different available genetic identification techniques. Initial attention will be given to the basic principles for the amplification and detection of DNA and RNA. Thereafter basic genetic identification techniques will be covered in detail, e.g. gelelectroforesis, restriction analysis, chromosome walking, RFLP, DNA sequencing, protein analysis, PCR and PCR based techniques. Different quality aspects regarding these techniques will also be discussed. Finally an overview of some practical applications within the different agro sectors will be included.
During the practical excercises different techniques and skills will be covered for obtaining an genetic fingerprint, based on either proteins or DNA, followed by an interpretation of the obtained signals. A number of theoretical excercises will also be included in the excercises. The students will also pay a visit to a biotechnological firm and/or research institution.
Prerequisites Genetics, biochemistry and biotechnology
Final Objectives Thourough knowledge and implementation of the research and analytical instrumentarium of the genetic analysis techniques, e.g..
- Thourough knowledge of molecular identification techniques
- Being able to select and implement the most adequate technique in a specific research domain
Translating this knowledge in concrete skills in the practical excercises, e.g.
- Have a thourough knowledge of and being able to implement the most important molecular identification techniques.
- Thourough knowledge of the instrumentarium of the molecular analyses.
- Being able to rapport and communicate regarding the acquired skills, knowledge and scientific experiences.
- Development of the necessary creative and scientifical assertivity to resolve couse related problems in team.
General consequences:
- Have mastered general scientific competences on an advanced level in the area of the molecular identification techniques.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus
Textbooks and scientific papers; websites
Study costs Cost syllabus and practicum notes: ± 8,0 Euro
Study guidance Additional information can always be asked
Teaching Methods Lectures; laboratory excercises and visit to research institution
Assessment Theory: Oral examination with written preparation.
Practicals: permanent evaluation and quotation of the reports
Lecturer(s) Theory.: Kathy Messens
Practicals: Kathy Messens, Natacha Thienpont & Nicolas Gryson