Taught in Master in de biowetenschappen: voedingsindustrie
Theory [A] 12.0
Exercises [B] 12.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 90.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract? Access denied
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Ingrid De Leyn
Reference BMLVDG01A00006
Key words
Rheology, texture, sensory analysis

Building up basic knowledge concerning rheological characteristics of food products, the importance of these properties in the food industry and the methods of analysis.
In the practical part the student is trained for:
  • Interpreting and executing carefully procedures of analysis with attention to accuracy, precision and correctness,
  • Reporting results and discussion scientifically.

  • Basic concepts about rheological behaviour of food products;
  • Importance of rheology in various sections of the food industry;
  • Practical exercises with special attention to determination of viscosity, consistency, hardness, … of syrups, fats, baked products,… and the sensory evaluation of foods.

Profound knowledge of food technology.

Final Objectives
  • Insight into the importance of rheology in the food industry.
  • Knowledge of the set of instruments for rheological analysis.
General objectives
1. Ability to think and handle scientifically.
2. Ability to originality and creativity to increase continuously one’s knowledge and insights

Materials used
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Teacher’s course (theoretical course and practical course)
Literature (books, articles, papers,): available in library

Study costs
Cost: 10.0 EUR

Study guidance
The students can always make an appointment.

Teaching Methods
- lectures - exercises - others - individual reports

Oral examination with written preparation. Permanent evaluation of the practical exercises, based on theoretical knowledge, reporting and evaluation of the analytical results.

Scoring system:
  • Theory: 66,7%
  • Exercises: 33,3%

Ingrid DE LEYN