Taught in Master in de biowetenschappen: voedingsindustrie
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 12.0
Studytime [D] 90.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract? Access denied
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Kathy Messens
Reference BMLVDG01K00006
Key words
Biotechnological production techniques, applied biotechnology, red, white and green biotechnology

Biotechnology and its broad range of applications are in full expansion in a number of different sectors. The aim of the course is to acquaint the student with the knowledge regarding the different biotechnological production techniques and their applications in red, green and white biotechnology.

The course gives an overview of the basic concepts of the classical and modern biotechnological production techniques. Attention is being given to a number of application fields, each specified by a specific colour. The red biotechnology stands for the medically oriented applications in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine. The green biotechnology deals with the applications in agriculture and food science. The white or industrial biotechnology deals with industrial production processes of chemicals and bio energy. This white colour white refers to a clean and sustainable technology.
The students will also pay a visit to a number of biotechnological firms and research institutions.

Biochemistry, genetics & biotechnology

Final Objectives
Knowledge regarding application of biotechnology in the medical, agro and industrial sector must be present, e.g.
  • Knowledge regarding the interpretation and implementation of biotechnological innovations
  • Knowledge of the biotechnological techniques in relation to raw materials and organisms
  • Development of the necessary creative and scientifical assertivity to resolve couse related problems in team.

Materials used
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Study costs
Cost: 15.0 EUR
15 €

Study guidance
Additional information can always be asked

Teaching Methods
Lectures and visit to research institution

Oral examination with written preparation.
