Key words Chemistry (Industrial Chemistry and Plastics Material Technology)
Objectives The final form of assessment for the Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering Chemistry is the Master’s thesis. The aim of Masterproof is that the student proofs that he masters the competences of the Masters programme.
Goal of the master project is to gain experience in doing scientific research in biochemical science. In the final project the student practice diverse research skills with which he familiarized himself during the research/traineeship in the year of the master program.
• analysing a scientific problem
• literature research
• solving the problem
• implementing solutions
• drawing conclusions
• writing a scientific report (thesis)
• oral presentation of the results
• learning and discussing about research of other people
• using adequate tools
Writing a thesis and giving a presentation finalize the master project.
Topics Individual project work, written report and oral confrontation.
The subject of the final project depends on the direction of student’s interest and
the expert knowledge of his supervisor. An important demand on the subject.
is that it is scientifically relevant. The student may choose an internal final project or a project forthcoming from an external project, mostly in the form of a traineeship in a company, government or other university.
The structure of the thesis depends on the subject, the objective and the users of his research. The thesis is a detailed record of the research and results, and substantiated by the chosen methodology (see also the guidelines for writing a thesis).
Global standard structure for master thesis:
Review relevant literature
Presentation of Methods & Models & Tools
Presentation of Results
After approval of the thesis draft, the oral defence is planned. Supervisors grade the student’s oral defence of the thesis as part of the assessments criteria of the ‘Masterproof’.
Prerequisites Competences of the bachelor programme.
Final Objectives Core competences 1:
To have sufficient basal know-how of, and insight in chemistry in order to be able to get acquainted with a sub-area of biochemistry at a specialist level within a short time (SC5);
- to be able to get acquainted with, to assimilate, to implement and to use relevant new technologies and/or theories. (AIC2)
- to be able to solve complex problems effectively. (AC3)
- to be able to enlarge knowledge and insights in a creative and in an original way. (AWC3)
Core competences 2:
To master specific methods and techniques in order to perform scientific research in an independent way (SC6);
- to be able to collect and to handle relevant scientific and technical information effectively. (AC2)
- to be able to implement scientific-disciplinary insights on complex engineering technical problems. (AIC1)
- to be able to apply scientific paradigms within their bounds. (AWC2)
- to be able to design, research, analyse and diagnose. (AIC3)
- to be able to implement and to develop research methods and research techniques in an effective way. (AWC1)
- to be able to carry out research assignments independently on the level of a beginning researcher. (AIC4)
Core competences 3:
Can deal with safety and environmental issues of biochemistry and has an adequate understanding of the role of biochemistry in a sustainable society (SC7);
- to be able to cooperate in a multidisciplinary environment.(AWC4)
General competence 1:
To be able to communicate on their own research and on problem solutions to laymen as well as to specialists. (AC4)
General competence 2:
To be able to judge and to handle within an uncertain context with the necessary critical introspection. (AC5)
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Review relevant literature.
Study costs About € 50,00.
Study guidance Regular reporting to mentor and supplementary explanation by appointment.
The supervisor receives the following data:
• at the start of the project: name student, second or external
supervisor, subject of the research , and a global timeline;
• interim reports: a concise message on the evaluation result;
• finally: copies of the thesis report.
Teaching Methods Project Work
Assessment The dissertation will be orally presented by the student and defended for a dissertation jury.
Grading of the thesis work is based on the project as a whole, including the
report and presentation. The following items are criteria for grading (+ the weights for the different criteria):
Scientific content thesis: 50%
Quality of the presentation: 30%
Style of working:20 %
Lecturer(s) Faculty Chemistry (Chemistry)