Key words Web Technology, Web Applications, .NET framework, J2EE, Webservices
Objectives Students know different alternative platforms for developing web applications.
They gain insight into the architecture of web applications.
They must be able to develop a web application on a J2EE and a .NET-platform and to configurate web applications.
Topics Web Technology:
- HTTP-protocol
- Webserver configuration
- J2EE-platform: servlets, JSP, JSTL and EL, Java Server Faces, Struts, basic concepts, configuration.
- NET-platform: C# (basics, events and delegates), ASP.NET, basic concepts.
- Software architecture of web applications.
- Webservices, SOAP
Prerequisites Object Oriented Design. Programming in C++ and Java.
Basic knowledge about SQL-oriented relational databases. HTML.
Profound knowledge about the Internet and Networking and about Operating Systems Unix and Windows. XML and XML technologies. Network programming, JDBC and ADO.NET.
Final Objectives General (scientific) abilities.
Ability to think in a critical, creative and scientific fashion about the design and implementation of web applications.
Ability to recognize the differences, the advantages and disadvantages of several web frameworks and to choose which is appropriate in specific circumstances.
Ability to demonstrate a web application, to clarify its design and implentation, to report the technical and design problems.
Ability to make a report about the design, the development fases, the change requests, ... of a web application.
Ability to configurate a web server using a guide.
Ability to find relevant classes and methods in a API necessary to develop an application.
General technical abilities
Ability to combine the knowledge and competences of previous courses and integrate them in new topics.
Ability to develop a web application in a team.
Ability to solve the exercizes using methods and technics from the lectures.
Ability to develop web applications using the .NET or the J2EE platform.
Specific abilities.
Ability to design a web application and develop the application using the MVC-apattern.
Ability to configurate, install and maintain a webapplication on the J2EE and .NET platform.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Lecture notes, slides, tutorials on the Internet, examples of programming.
Study costs € 6
Study guidance Students can always make an appointment or they can e-mail.
Teaching Methods Lectures, projects, exercises, ...
Assessment Theory: Oral Examination (47%)
Exercises: Permanent Evaluation (tasks and tests) (53%)
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items), he proves that his skill for certain subcompetencies is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus. Of course the examiners can judge that the arithmetic regulations mentioned in the study index card can also be used for 7 or less. For each deviation a detailed motivation ought to be drawn up. In that case one should point out that the skill for this subcompetency is proven to be insufficient, if the student didn’t pass the partim that is considered to be important for certain subcompetencies.
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