Key words turbines, electical power plant, propulsion
Objectives Teaching the principles of steam-, gas- and hydraulic turbines used in Electrical Power Plants. Analysis of different types of machines. Basics of jet engine.
Topics Fluid flow in nozzles and difusors. Steam turbine, impulse and reaction turbine such as Laval-, Curtis- and Rateau turbine. Gas turbine. Basics of jet engine. Hydraulic turbines. Pelton-, Francis-, Kaplan turbine. Wind turbine. CFD case
Prerequisites Mechanics I, Mechanics II.
Final Objectives ACI, SC1, SC10
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: course notes of professor
Study costs Course notes 5 Euro
Study guidance During lectures . On demand. Website :
Teaching Methods theory lectures Exercises.CFD
Assessment Oral examination. Closed book. Exercise. CFD report
Lecturer(s) ir Christian Vandenplas