Key words electronics
Objectives The course aims at giving an introduction to embedded systems, focussing on general aspects, including the design of such systems.
The basic component for this approach is the 8051 microcontroller.
During the practical sessions the students work around specific real-life applications.
Topics Theory:
Basis aspects:
o Structure, characteristics and examples of embedded systems
o 8051 microcontroller: architecture and instruction set
o Interrupts
o Serial communication (UART)
o Timers (Basic timers, PCA, watchdog, real-time clocks)
Application specific aspects:
o Design cycle and dissipation control
o Structure of applications (finite states, operating systems, code optimalisation)
Hardware related aspects:
o Using memories
o I/O-ports and examples of digital I/O
o Analog interfacing: ADC en DAC
o Serial communication: I2C en USB
o DSP-processors
Practical sessions:
Students become acquinted with the 8051 microcontroller by practical problems:
o Control of an LCD display, stapping motor
o Interfacing of an encoder, 4x4 keyboard, serial ADC
o Decoding of a DCF77 timing signam.
o Programming of microcontrollers using C (incl. floating point libraries).
o Connection of a microcontroller with Ethernet
o Realisation of a position control routine
o Realisation of an IR remote control
Prerequisites See final objectives Digitale Elektronica I en Informatica II.
Final Objectives * (AWC1) Concerning embedded systems, to be able to apply methodologies and techniques for research even in an uncertain context.
* (AIC2) To be able to assimilate, implement and use existing and new technologies concerning embedded systems.
* (I1) In order to develop applications for embedded systems, to be able to successfully program in a procedural language and use common programming techniques.
* (I5) To be able to analyse basic and complex processor- and computerarchitectures.
* (D3) To be able to develop applications on embedded systems.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus
Supplementary information on the electronic study environment Dokeos.
Study costs Cost for the course material (10 €).
Study guidance Individual guidance is provided by contacting the responsible lecturer / lab responsible.
Teaching Methods Ex cathedra colleges (theory) and practical sessions.
Assessment Theory: oral evaluation after written preparation
Practical sessions: continuous evaluation and written test
A weighted average is used to compute the final score for a training item.
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses
(parts of training items) , he proves that his skill for certain subcompetencies is
insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final
assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus.
Of course, the examiners can judge that the arithmetic regulations mentioned in the
study index card can also be used for 7 or less.
For each deviation a detailed motivation ought to be drawn up. In that case one should
point out that the skill for this subcompetency is proven to be insufficient,
if the student didn’t pass the partim that is considered to be important
for certain subcompetencies.