Key words HEADWORDS:, Java, programming, program language, Object-orientation, IWETO-code, p175-informatics
Objectives This formation part has as target to give the students a first yet thorough meeting with the object-orientated program language Java.
The stress lies especially on the being able to work with grades and objects. Also know how to use the basic structures and the manipulating of arrays.
Know how to use libraries (re-use), but also know how to write own methodes.
Topics - Introduction - the concepts class and object - for example (= red wire in the course)
- Be introduced to applications
- Be introduced to applets
- Control structures: sequency, selection, iteration
- Methods + recursive methods
- Arrays
- Object-based programming: make own classes (data-abstraction and encasing)
- Object-orientated programming: composure
- Object-orientated programming: polymorphism
Prerequisites not required
Final Objectives KNOWLEDGE:
General professional requisites: - knowledge of programming technology
Specific professional requisites: - development instruments for system and application software - programming technology - complex program languages
General requisites: - be able to think analytically and problem solving - identificate problems and make a diagnose
General professional requisites: - develop computer programmes
Specific professional requisites: -design internet applications - resolve software problems
General requisites: - precision and accuracy
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Java How To Program - Fifth Edition - Deitel & Deitel - Prentice Hall - ISBN 0-13-120236-7
Dutch slides, that form a summary of the subject material, available through the electronical study environment.
For this formation part students use their laptop.
Study costs Book: ± 70 Euro (book is used in first, second and thirth year)
Study guidance Individual learning problems can always be mentioned to the teacher and be remedied.
Teaching Methods Teaching conversation with exercises, that are analysed and worked out in class.
During the obligated exercise sessions on PC, the student is able to make a series of exercises in connection with the subject material on hiw own tempo.
The teacher will give personal advice hereby.
The student should be able to present his programmes.
Assessment FIRST SESSION :
Permanent evaluation: 30%
Written open book exam: 70%
Written open book exam: 100%