Key words HEADWORDS: linguistic skill - French - English - communication, IWETO-code: h360 foreign language education - h460 French language and literature - h570 English language and literature
Objectives This formation part intends the understanding, analysing, summarizing and critical approach of formation oriented and current read-and listen texts.
The student has to be able to represent the contence orally and written, precise and accurate, also be able to use and integrate the vocabulary that is typical of these texts.
The student has to express himself correctly and professionally in business oriented situations.
The student has to be able to use and integrate the grammar actively.
The students are introduced with informatic sources, with a view to an independent use in the second and third year of the training.
The student obtains relevant language structures (grammar, partly by self study) and vocabulary (general and formation oriented).
Topics French:
1. Authentical texts and articles that have a connection with profession field
2. Functional grammar (sources: articles/texts from newspapers, internet)
Repetition of basic grammar by means of exercises, with emphasis to:
- Tenses of the verb
- Passive
- Nouns (plural/(un)countable)
- Articles: defined/undefined - use
- Pronouns and Prepositions
- Comparison
- Relative sense
Recent actual and formation oriented texts: critical discussion, extension of vocabulary and linear development of the four skills.
Special attention for spelling, pronunciation and notation of numbers.
Business correspondence:
- Layout of a business letter
- The enquiry
Telephonic training
Prerequisites Secondary education level: elementary knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar and of the four skills.
- KNOWLEDGE: - knowledge of informatic sources - basic knowledge of verbal communication
- SKILLS : - work methodical and goal-oriented - develop and evaluate ideas - argument clearly and with perseverance - written communication
- ATTITUDES: - precision and accuracy
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Syllabus French
Syllabus English and additional recent text material with vocabulary notes.
Study costs Syllabus French ±3,5 Euro
Syllabus English ±3,5 Euro
Study guidance Individual learning problems can always be mentioned to the teacher and be remedied.
Teaching Methods 1. Teaching conversation
2. Skimming and scanning
3. Make structural and blank exercises
Assessment - FIRST SESSION:
Written exam: 50%
Permanent evaluation: 50%
Written exam: 100%
Written exam: 50%
Oral exam: 50%
Written exam: 100%