Key words Market research, IWETO code S191 Market research
Objectives This course aims at making students familiar with the different parts market research may consist of. The aim of market research lies in collecting information efficiently and effectively, processing and interpreting it. The results are the basis for decisions made in various marketing domains. Market research and its uses are sure to be a constant topic in the next years of this training.
Topics The course has three parts.
The first part deals with basic concepts, the structure of market research and the conditions to opt for market research, outsourced or internal.
The second part deals with desk research based on internal and external secondary sources. The techniques discussed all start from numerical data and exercises, yet much attention is paid to interpreting the data correctly.
The third part further explores the structure of market research, emphasizing field research. Both descriptive and explanatory research are treated.
Topics dealt with:- Explorative phase
- Determining the population, sampling frame, type of sample, sample size
- Choice of research method (survey methods, methods of explanatory research, experiments)
- Drafting registration instruments (emphasis on questionnaire)
- Field work
- Preparing and processing data
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of statistics as acquired in the statistics course
Final Objectives Job-related (general)
Knowledge of data carriers and authorities which collect information
Job-related (specific)
Knowledge of - Market research, both desk and field research
- Market research, both qualitative and quantitative
- Professional literature
- Developments in one's own field
- Professional associations
- Technical terminology
General:- thinking and reasoning power
- consulting sources
- being critical
Job-related (general)- Being able to analyse data
- Being able to work in team (team-spirit)
- Being able to use knowledge infrastructure efficiently
- Being able to work with figures
- Being able to report in writing
Job-related (specific)- Through listening and asking questions you must come to an accurate description of the problem while you distinguish between essentials and side issues
- Being able to state a problem correctly
- Checking whether the information collected and documents are correct, complete and up to date, making additions if necessary
- Being able to distil relevant information
- Being able to select the right method
- Supervising field work
- Collecting, processing and interpreting job-related data
General:- Being critical
- Being accurate
Job-related (specific)- Being eager to work with figures
- Being critical of one's own conclusions
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Course book: P. Offermans and M. De Laet, Marktonderzoek, De Boeck
Additional photocopies (theory and exercises)
Study costs Text book : around € 30.
Copies : unit price at the current Hogeschool Gent rate
Study guidance Regular consultation.
Students may ask for individual consultation.
Teaching Methods
- Alternately lectures and class work or individual work on exercises and cases
- Guided self-study
- Group work, which is assessed and discussed in consultations with the lecturer
- Cross-course case, guest speaker
- First exam session: 60% written open-book exam and 40% continuous assessment
- Second exam session: 100% written open-book exam
Students registered for the examinations only: - First exam session: 100% written open-book exam in either session
- Second exam session: 100% written open-book exam in either session