Key words European studies, IWETO-code, S155-European Law
Objectives The European Union used to subsidize this course.
Its full title is: European studies Jean Monnet module, subtitle History of the European Construction Process.
The main aim of the course is preparation for a professional life in a European socio-economic perspective
.By studying, comparing, interpreting and explaining texts, statistical data and charts, audiovisual material and internet information students gain an understanding of Europe's development as well as in present and future spatial relationships and made aware of current European topics, through which they will understand and value the European context more.
Topics Some topics are- Europe in its unity and diversity
- Origin and history of the EU
- Institutions of the EU and decision-making
- Treaties and their consequences (European regulation)
- The EMU and the Euro
- Agricultural policy and regional development in the EU
- Common Foreign and Security policy
- The future of Europe
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related (general) - General business economics training
- Knowledge of the history of the European integration process
- Knowledge of the international environment in politics and the economy
General:- Critical reflection
- Bringing one's knowledge up to date
- Consulting sources
- Communication skills: communicating ideas, information, problems, solutions
Job-related (general)- Interpersonal relations: being able to argue
- handling information: being able to look up information efficiently and assess it
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: syllabus
Study costs Syllabus: photocopied at the going Hogeschool Gent rate
Expenses involved in symposia and workshops
Study guidance The lecturer is available for individual questions
Teaching Methods
- Lectures
- Debate
- Interactive approach
- Lectures by guest speakers
- Exercises
- Self-study
- First exam period: continuous assessment 30% and written exam 70%
- Second exam period: written exam 100%
Students registered for the examinations only: - First exam session: assignment 30 % and written exam 70%
- Second exam session: 100 % written exam