Key words International marketing, IWETO code S191 market study
- Students have to be able to acquire information on the operation of international trade and Belgium's place in it.
- Both general theoretical background and specific practical knowledge are required.
Topics Students have to be able to commercialize products/services at an international level. They have to be familiar with all influencing elements in foreign markets, among which culture is a very important dimension. Moreover, students have to get sufficiently familiar with different marketing mix components, within an international context, in order to design an international marketing plan.
Prerequisites Marketing strategy
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- Knowing the international context: politics, economy, demography, culture, technology
- Knowing terminology
- Knowing the marketing mix in an international context
General:- Capacity of critical reflection
- Capacity for project work
- Acquiring and processing information by oneself
ob-related:- Following up on recent marketing development through professional reading
- Keeping up with developments in the rapidly changing world of marketing: politics, economy, demography, culture, technology
- Tracking, listing and collecting any sources containing marketing data efficiently
- Being able to think within a national or international frame
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Course book
Handouts from guest speakers and/or own notes
Study costs Photocopies at the current Hogeschool Gent rate, possibly course book at the normal proce
Expenses linked with lectures, assignments
Study guidance Students may address their questions to the lecturer
Teaching Methods
- Interactive approach;
- Lectures;
- Group assignment;
- Guest speaker;
- Cross-course cooperation
- First exam session: 70% written exam and 30% continuous assessment
- Second exam session: 100% written examination
Students registered for the examinations only:- First exam session: 70% written exam and 30% individual asignment
- Second exam session: 100% written examination