Taught in 3rd year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Marketing
professionele Bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement - afstudeerrichting: Marketing
Theory [A] 50.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 25.0
Studytime [D] 200.0
Studypoints [E] 8
Level specialized
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Else Deneys
Reference RCBMGM03K00005
Key words
Direct marketing and marketing communication, IWETO code S191 market study

1 Direct marketing
Students need to acquire a global direct marketing line of thinking and operating, in which differences between direct marketing communication and mass communication become clear. Being able to interpret a briefing (cases) and expressing feasible, creative and original proposals for direct marketing, taking budget limits into account. Students need to be in touch with developments on the Belgian direct marketing market.

2 Marketing communication
Students need to become entirely familiar with the Belgian (and international) world of communication agencies and possible commercial functions they may fill there: (jr) account executive, media planner …Being able to interpret a briefing and expressing feasible suggestions on Sales Promotion activities (for trade as well as final consumers). Students need to be able to write a briefing themselvesHaving students apply several marketing communication skills in an autonomous way (in a team and with coaching).

Direct marketing
1. Direct marketing strategy
2. Selection of addresses
3. Means - direct marketing media
4. Production of direct marketing means
5. Marketing databases
6. Fulfilment
7. Marketing analysis
8. Judicial aspects and deontology
9. TrendsMaking a direct mail, in particular a letter, cover and reply element.

Making a direct marketing campaign: cross-course project with French lecturers and with students of the French speaking institute Ephec.

Marketing communication
1. Communication assignment briefing
2. Brand activationa
  1. Sales promotion
  2. Field marketing
3. Corporate communication
4. World of communication agencies and commercial functions
5. Media planning and media centres
6. Communication research
7. World of graphics
8. Trends

Making a briefing for a sales promotion campaign: project with French speaking students of Ephec.

Marketing communication (subject module 7)

Final Objectives
  • Structure of a marketing communication plan;
  • Knowing how to word a briefing;
  • Knowing professional literature on marketing communication;
  • Knowing developments in the proper fields;
  • Knowing means of presentation;
  • Knowing terminology.
  • Being able to work on a project;
  • Decisiveness.
General and job-related:
  • Capacity of thinking and reasoning;
  • Being able to work towards a solution in a team;
  • Being sociable in a team, e.g. when executing assignments;
  • Researching, selecting, interpreting, analysing and summarizing information in on- and offline media in an autonomous way - individually and in a team;
  • Critical reflection and efficient creativity;
  • Practicality and realism;
  • Making a captivating presentation with clear wording, coherent reasoning and polished speech.
  • Advising customers: self-employed, starters, … on marketing and communication, …
  • Being sociable to customers, co-workers and external suppliers;
  • Contacting various agencies: advertising, dm, sp …;
  • Correction tasks on marketing communication material (advertisements, folders, mailings, …):
  • Preparing and giving oral presentations;
  • Transforming strategic recommendations into a tactical plan (communication, sales);
  • Drafting, guarding and adjusting a budget,
  • Drawing up a briefing;
  • Each of these items applied in the frame of a product / service organisation; consumer or B2B;
  • Being able to assess a campaign proposal.
  • Customer orientation;
  • Creativity.
General and job-related:
  • Coordinating with others;
  • Being result minded;
  • Working according to a plan;
  • Inquisitiveness, permanently keeping knowledge up to date.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
1 Direct marketing
  • Course book (BDMV - Kluwer) ISBN 90 5583 810 1
  • Specialist units (copies, offline/online)
2 Marketing communication
  • Course book "Marketing communication strategy", K.Floor and Van Raaij, ISBN 90 207 258 71
  • Syllabus and photocopies offline/online

Study costs
  • Cost of course books
  • Photocopies at the current Hogeschool Gent rate
  • Expenses linked with company visits and lectures (travel, handouts, …)

Study guidance
Coaching of assignments with a detailed briefing and per assignment clear statement of goals, timing and planning, methodology, forms of assessment. Integrated moments of feedback (strengths and weaknesses) in any assignment, individually and / or per team with the indication of points of improvements and remedy.

Teaching Methods
Lecture, interactive approach, cases, programmed instruction (assignments), team work, debate, lectures and guest speakers, company visits, cross-course assignments, self-study, coached self-study.

Direct marketing (50%)
  • First exam session: 50% oral examination and 50% continuous assessment. Students with 70% or more earn the DM certificate awarded by BDMV/ABMD.
  • Second exam session: 100% oral examination.
Students registered for the examinations only:
  • First exam session: 100% written examination
  • Second exam session: 100% written examination
Marketing communication (50%)
  • First exam session: 50% oral examination and 50% continuous assessment. Students with 70% or more earn the DM certificate awarded by BDMV/ABMD.
  • Second exam session: 100% oral examination.
Students registered for the examinations only:
  • first exam session: 100% written examination
  • Second exam session: 100% written exam
