Key words Administration law, IWETO code S111
- Acquiring theoretical principles;
- Seeing connections;
- Acquiring understanding;
- Being able to make simple applications / search assignments;
- Students learn to analyse and summarize professional literature;
- Students learn to link course content to current events;
- Certain attitudes like precision, punctuality and assertiveness are further exercised;
- Students are trained further in using correct terminology and in correct legal reasoning, and learn to word and motivate their point of view.
Topics There are two parts:- Legal protection in general (preventive and repressive)
- Raad van State (Council of State)Exercises/assignments and/or readings, possibly an excursion supplement these units.
Prerequisites Some basics of administration law
Final Objectives Knowledge:
General:- Administration law: preventive and repressive legal protection and knowing about the Council of State (Raad van State)
Job-related:- Knowing laws, regulations, legal proceedings
General:- Thinking and reasoning skills;
- Capacity of critical reflection.
General and job-related:- Being able to argue;
- Expressing oneself correctly.
Job-related:- Being able to vulgarise law
General:- Meticulousness;
- Attitude for lifelong learning;
- Inquisitiveness.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information::
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Teaching Methods