Taught in Visiting and Exchange Students
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 20.0
Training and projects [C] 4.0
Studytime [D] 150.0
Studypoints [E] 6
Level specialized
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction English
Lecturer Luc De Beul
Reference RXGAEX00A00036
Key words
European studies and European law (S155)

To allow students to develop their knowledge and understanding of Europe and the European Union.
To gain and develop insight into the evolution of Europe and into the present-day and future international relationships by observing, comparing, interpreting and explaining of texts, statistical figures, internet data and video material.
To sensitize for present-day European topics, which teaches the student to have a better understanding of Europe and moreover, enables them to valorize the continent. A preparation of the professional and social life in an European socio-economic perspective.
To allow the student to develop a critical interest in the European integration.
To get aquatinted with Substantive Community Law.
To gain students a better insight into the “acquis communautaire” by studying the texts of the Treaties and judgements of the Court of Justice.

  1. European Studies, topics:
    • Unity and diversity
    • The European Union, its origin, development and perspectives
    • The European Union, institutions and decision-making
    • Implications of de Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice ... Treaties
    • EMS, ECU, EURO and EMU
    • CAP, Common Agriculture Policy
    • Regional Policy
    • Common Foreign and Security Policy
    • The future of Europe, “Europe quo vadis?”
  2. European Law, an introduction to substantive Community Law, topics:
    • The common market:
      • free movement of goods: a customs union, a common customs tariff in the relation with third countries, the prohibition between Member States of customs duties on imports and exports and of all charges having equivalent effect, the prohibition between Member States of quantitative restrictions on imports and exports and all measures having equivalent effect, products coming from third countries which are in the free circulation of the Member States;
      • free movement of persons:
        • workers and relatives,
        • right of establishment,
        • students,
        • citizenship of the Union;
    • free movement of services;
    • free movement of capital and payments, monetary union,
    • rules on competition:
      • rules applying to undertakings,
      • aids granted by States.
    • Legal protection: the Court of Justice: indirect or preliminary proceeding and direct proceedings; a court or tribunal of a Member State as community judge: priority and direct effect.

Fair knowledge of English
Interest in social and economic geography, and basic knowledge of law and legal systems.

Final Objectives
  1. Knowledge of the European integration process
    • To gain insight in the origin and the history of the European Integration process.
    • To get acquainted with the different institutions of the EU and the decisionmaking.
    • To gain insight in the monetary, agricultural, regional en foreign policy of the EU.
  2. Knowledge of European Law
    • To gain insight into the influence of European law on national (Belgian) law.
    • To get aquatinted with Substantive Community Law: to gain students a better insight into the internal market with free movement of goods, persons, services and capital and the law of competition
    • To get an insight into legal protection: the different legal proceedings before the Court of Justice and the role of the national judge in the assertion of European law.
  3. To handle with information
    • To find information (texts of law and jurisprudence) efficiently.
    • To process and assess information.
    • To actualise knowledge.
  4. General corporate skills and attitudes
    • Communication skill: the ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions.
    • Presentation of individual assignments and teamwork.
    • Argue skill.
    • Capability to critical reflection.
    • Thinking and reasoning skills.
Attitude towards lifelong learning

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
The European Studies syllabus was designed by Yvan Vandewalle, former lecturer of Hogeschool Gent, in corporation with Edinburgh Telford.
College and reviewed by a SPACE-workgroup.
The law section was prepared by Luc De Beul; materials include sources from internet.

Study costs
Syllabus available on DOKEOS
Judgements of the Court of Justice from internet
Excursion to the European Parliament in Brussels

Study guidance
Individual questions may be addressed to the lecturer.

Teaching Methods
Lecturing, interactive discussion, assignments and exercises.
A visit to the European Parliament and attendance to colloquiums are part of the programme.

First exam session:
  • (January/June) , written exam (60%) and continuous assessment (40%)
Second exam session:
  • (resits, September), written assignment (100%).

This ects card was made up by:
  • Luc De Beul