Key words Developmental psychology and education.
Objectives The purpose of this training module is to give an introduction to two of the main auxiliary sciences, Education and Developmental psychology, of the reference framework in Orthopedagogics.
The underlying idea, in this training module, is that the student gains an insight into ‘the extraordinary’ by deepening his knowledge of ‘the ordinary’. Besides, special education largely consists in the daily routine (of everyday life). At appropriate times in the course, the teacher will refer to the link and the relationship between the ‘ordinary’ and the ‘extraordinary’. In this training module the course content is, therefore, looked upon as fundamental knowledge, i.e. as general theoretical frameworks. Which explains the decision to schedule this training module in standard educational route 1 already.
It aims to shape this objective by fostering and developing the following core skills from the training profile:
Job-specific core skills
-1. Proceeding from a critical orthopedagogical approach, a pluralistic point of view and the principle of solidarity, the aim is to sensitize societal systems and welfare policy with a view to promoting and looking after the interests of the persons with special needs.
Supporting subset skill:
- To know and to recognize one’s own frame of reference and to place it in relation to the
theoretical frameworks.
-2. To lend shape systematically and in consultation with the client and/or with other welfare agencies, the cyclic and regulative process of orthopedagogical acting (an assessing officer [needs assessment] and an individual education planner).
Supporting subset skill:
- To spot individual potential in orthopedagogical practice; to recognize the
extraordinary within the ordinary.
-3. To give in a pedagogically astute way, tutoring/counselling to clients on how to manage their lives (educational tutor/counsellor).
Supporting subset skills:
- To create a work climate and to forge professional relationships so that clients can
develop their talents and realize their full potential;
- To encourage and to support different aspects of a person’s development (moral,
affective, social, physical and cognitive).
General core skills
General ( generic) core skill
-4. To acquire objectively information, unaided, and to assimilate it (Data acquisition and assimilation).
Supporting subset skills:
- To look for relevant (national and international) information. To localize the source,
to analyse it, to put it in the right order and to synthesize it;
- To utilize (school-based) ICT facilities and resources;
- To assimilate the collected information objectively and purposefully and then to
incorporate it in your way of acting.
The link between this training module and other modules is made more explicit within the adopted methods. The students are then expected to conduct their own narrowly targeted searches in various disciplines and modules, such as Sociology, Psychology, Educational skills and methods,… and, ultimately, to come up with a pedagogic answer to questions within various educational themes.
This module serves as a pointer to all training modules who are focusing the orthopedagogical occupational practice.
Topics Developmental psychology
- The stages of life, from the ‘cradle to the grave’: the antenatal phase, birth, the first year of one’s life, toddlers, pre-schoolers, infants (5-7), years spent in primary school, adolescence, adulthood and growing old;
- Explanation in all its different aspects: physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.
Theoretical frameworks are outlined about child-rearing and their education:
- Historical background to the main pedagogical paradigms;
- Overview of the main theoretical models;
- The context and scope of different parenting styles within a contemporary, post-modern, critical review of manners, etiquette and convention in modern society;
- Class discussion about the parent-child relationship and the parent-teenager relationship:
- within the different parenting styles;
- within the familial context;
- within social and societal systems.
- Emancipation thinking: the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and its implications for the child’s upbringing and development;
- Exercises: an in-depth study of the link between developmental psychological aspects and pedagogic thinking, by considering educational themes (chosen by the pupils), such as:
- social standards and values in child-rearing;
- parent and child mealtimes;
- child sleep patterns;
- play;
- school career;
- watching TV;
- adolescent-specific behaviour;
- …
Prerequisites Entry-level skills
Exit qualifications in secondary education.
Final Objectives Exit-level skills
The core skills from the training profile listed in the ‘objectives’ section are fully underpinned by the following exit-level skills of the training module:
At the level of knowledge and comprehension
The students:
- Comprehend the disciplines which have child-rearing, social assistance, tutoring/counselling and behaviour as their subjects, more specifically: Education and Developmental psychology;
- Authentically make explicit their own frame of reference and how that influences their actions.
At the application level - skills
The students:
- Optimize (strive to deepen, complete, reconsider their stance) constantly their self-knowledge and their knowledge of the spheres of influence (at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels) of the parenting situation; therefore they are also aware of the core values that define them and their actions.
At the application level and the level of integration
The students:
- Know how to incorporate the introduced theory into solutions-led thinking;
- Possess several key attitudes such as: acceptance and tolerance of another individual with all his good and bad points, to make a real commitment to that person and be receptive to other people’s suggestions;
- Do not hide their views and, in that regard, show due deference and respect to everybody’s views on the subject, they strive to create a climate of mutual trust and solidarity.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Learning pack (obtainable from the coursewear department or accessible via Dokeos);
Reference book containing guidelines on independent work;
Membership of the library (essential for accessing/consulting the relevant specialist literature on the subject);
Contact details: item Lecture(s)
Study costs The cost price is estimated at approx. 5 euros.
Study guidance You can put any other questions you might have to the teacher concerned before or after class.
Supporting documents (belonging to the students as well as the lecturers concerned) are posted regularly on Dokeos;
A work file can be handed in, between times, for remedial feedback and ‘fine-tuning’;
In the classroom, model questions are formulated and preparatory information is given about the examinations.
Teaching Methods Theory
- Group discussions in small groups: discussion subjects chosen by the students and then elaborated with the aid of problem-solving thinking.
- Completed exercises are logged and kept in a work file: a portfolio method.
- Self-assessment: after each meeting, the students screen themselves about their attitudes: do they consult sources of information?, are they self-motivating?, do they get involved in the group discussion?,…
Assessment In this training module the evaluation consists of:
1. A written examination (70% of the marks) on the student’s theoretical knowledge and perceptions.
2. Continuous assessment (30% of the marks) based on a portfolio of completed work and recorded attitudes. Students are explicitly briefed about what is expected of them and the pass criteria via a guide to portfolio work.
A written examination (100% of the marks) for the student’s theoretical knowledge and perceptions. It’s possible that one of the exam questions refers to the work file (portfolio).
Lecturer(s) Lecturers:
Agnes Biltris (
Leen Demedts (
Katia Perquy (
Johan Vandekerkhove (