Key words Sociology.
Objectives A Bachelor in Special Education should be cognizant of those disciplines which have ‘behaviour’ as their subject. For it is through sociology that a Bachelor in Special Education learns more about interplay (patterns of interaction) and the mechanisms of influencing people. The foundation is thus laid for analyzing societal factors which have an influence on the problems with which care, aid, education and treatment are dealing, and the student is thus stimulated to become aware of political and social topicality in order to follow societal trends.
The purpose of this training module is to shape these objectives by fostering and developing the following core skills from the training profile:
Job-specific core skills
-1. Proceeding of an objectively critical, orthopedagogical approach, a pluralistic point of view and the principle of solidarity, the aim is to sensitize societal systems and welfare policy with a view to promoting and looking after the interests of the persons with special needs.
Supporting subset skill:
- To know and to recognize one’s own frame of reference and place it in relation to the
theoretical frameworks.
-2. To act preventively in the context of social care, social services and customer service.
Supporting subset skill:
- To highlight risk- and protective factors with respect to societal trends and developments.
General core skills
General job core skill
-3. To reason logically, correctly and with a wide-ranging point of view.
Supporting subset skill:
- To make sufficient and correct use of relevant conceptual frameworks.
-4. To cooperate with others in an interdisciplinary, intercultural and international professional work environment (To work in a team).
Supporting subset skill:
- To be aware of your one culture in contact with other cultures and to inform themselves
around other cultures.
The basic concepts taught here are further elaborated in the training modules ‘Ethical themes in Orthopedagogics’ and ‘Juvenile Law and Youth Policy’ (on standard educational route 2) and ‘Social Profit Management’ (on standard educational route 3).
Topics Contents:
- Conceptual analysis of behaviour, social conduct and interaction, including the various basic forms of interaction and the various contextual factors influencing the interaction;
- The way the individual learns, through socialization, general and position-specific conduct, develops a social self-image and internalizes elements of culture – social norms and values, standards and institutions;
- Structural and cultural components of society;
- Current trends.
Prerequisites Entry-level skills
Exit qualifications in secondary education.
Final Objectives Exit-level skills
The core skills from the training profile listed in the ‘objectives’ section are fully underpinned by the following exit-level skills of the training module:
At the level of knowledge and comprehension
The students:
- Define or describe correctly the basic sociological concepts and theories;
- Contextualize their own functional performance in societal unions out of various social positions.
- At the application level - skills
The students:
- Illustrate the sociological concepts they have studied with current political and social events.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: Reference book: Vranken, Jan. (2004). Het speelveld en de spelregels.( The field and the
rules of the game ). ISBN 9789033456152.
Study costs The cost price is estimated at approx. 32,50 euros.
Study guidance Individual consultation (tutoring/monitoring) by appointment.
Contact details: item Lecture(s)
Teaching Methods Transfer- and interactive lectures, with room for dialogue and for debating topical issues.
Assessment An examination for this training module is scheduled in the exam period at the end of the semester in which you took this course.
A written examination consisting of open-ended questions and multiple choice questions. The examination focuses on the topics and exit-level skills of this training module. The total number of questions is limited to what can be got through comfortably within the allotted time for the exam.
An analogous written exam is organized during the resits.