Key words biochemical industry, conservation by heating, down stream processing, proteins as catalysator or end product, bioreactors
Objectives biochemical industry in Flanders ,
conservation methods escpecially in the food industry,
examples of biochemical production processes,
down stream processing
Topics 1. Conservation methods in the food industry, especially threatment with heat
2. bioreactor types and possibilities in the production of product with cells or with isolated enzymes
3. examples of productionprocesses : beer production , production of collageen, and of amylose
4. biological aspects and use of water threatment in different biochemical industries (anaerobic and aerobic)
5. down stream processing
Prerequisites knownledge of chemical technology and of organic chemistry
Final Objectives student should have a good overview on different branches in biochemical industry in Flanders. He/she can integrate chemical technology in biochemical industries and understand the reasons for the specific adaptations.
Materials used ::Click here for additional information:: own course (in dutch)
Study costs 15 euro
Study guidance questions and discussion possible after appointment
Teaching Methods theoretical lessons and demonstrations in different labs
Assessment oral exam
Lecturer(s) Katrien Strubbe