Master in Music section Jazz and Light Music
Master in Music
Admission Requirements
3rd year MusicSection jazz-light music Optional course producer
3rd year MusicSection jazz-light music Optional course Instrument-Singing
3rd year Master in Musicsection Jazz and Light Music (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
Selection list for 3rd yearSection jazz-light music Optional course producer
Selection list for 3rd yearSection jazz-light music Optional course instrument-singing
4th year MusicSection jazz-light music
4th year MusicSection jazz-light music Optional course Instrument-Singing
4th year Master in Musicsection Jazz and Light Music (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
Selection list for 4th yearSection jazz-light music Optional course producer
Selection list for 4th yearSection jazz-light music Optional course instrument-singing
5th year MusicSection jazz-light music
5th year MusicSection jazz-light music Optional course Instrument-Singing
5th year Master in Musicsection Jazz and Light Music (valid starting from 2100 - 2101)
Selection list for 5th year Optional course producer
Selection list for 5th yearSection jazz-light music Optional course instrument-singing