Wordt gegeven in Master of Fine Arts - afstudeerrichting: Multimedia Design
Hoorcollege [A] 0.0
Werkcollege [B] 48.0
Begel. zelfst./extern werk [C] 0.0
Totale studietijd [D] 250.0
Studiepunten [E] 9
Creditcontract? toelating nodig
Examencontract? toelating nodig
Onderwijstaal Nederlands
Referentie AMFARM01A00003

Students create their own reflexive space within the Master’s programme by following theoretical seminars, participating in discussion platforms and reporting on the progress of their Master’s project.
At the same time, students also achieve this by means of a discursive, linguistic investigation resulting in a written thesis.
This thesis must confirm the student’s ability to conduct and report on a discursive investigation with a certain degree of independence.

Students write a thesis of at least 10.000 words, in which the initial problem, the development of the theme and final conclusions are all made clear.
Students must be able to convince their advisors that the subject matter, which students are free to choose for themselves, is related to their degree project or the students’ artistic investigation in general.
Students may decide whether or not their thesis is partly or entirely about their own work.

Students must have successfully completed the ‘Theory and Philosophy 1.2.’ (including the section on research methodology) segment of the Master’s programme.
It is advisable that students have acquired the final competencies of the theoretical programme segments of the Bachelor’s programme in visual or audiovisual arts.

- Students select and follow well-grounded, defensible methods and techniques in analyzing and researching a given theme within the visual or audiovisual arts.
- Students demonstrate scientific thinking about a complex question and are able to communicate their thoughts, research and conclusions about that issue in written form.
- Through written communication, students make an original contribution to knowledge about a specific topic in a given field.
- Students indicate in what way a discursive investigation can offer added value to their own artistic process.

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Materials vary, depending on the project selected.

Expenses depend on the project selected.

Counselling and advice is as provided by the department.
There is always the opportunity to make appointments for individual conferences with their faculty advisors.

Students regularly confer with their two advisers (a theory lecturer and a practice lecturer) about the progress of their thesis.

Evaluation is by the two advisors/mentors.
A second sitting can be arranged.

Advisors/mentors are a practice instructor and a theory instructor selected by the student.
The theory instructor/lecturer is the lecturer in charge of this programme segment.