Trefwoorden ERP, Management information systems, decision support systems, Executive Information System
Doelstellingen One of the most exciting developments in business today, Enterprise Resource Planning offers a wealth of opportunities by bringing an organization’s many different systems together into one large integrated system. These Enterprise Resource Planning systems help to optimize and manage organizations in an increase competitive environment. For a successful implementation of ERP, a combination of skills, deep organizational insights and knowledge are essential.
The student acquires the essential skills and correct instruments, within a scientific framework, to fulfil the several stages (development, planning, implementation and testing) leading to a successful ERP implementation.
Starting from a broad introduction of ERP, the ERP modules are whereupon treated within the context of the
organisation functions as sale, marketing, finances, reporting, production and public resource management.
Once the student has the necessary insights in the different business processes and the way in which ERP can contributes to a complete integration of the different activities of the internal and external value chain, the managerial issues are elaborated.
Leerinhoud 1) Internal value chain (Porter)
2) Business process management, process mining and business process re-engineering
3) ERP
- Historic developments
- ERP modules: sale, marketing, finances, reporting, production and public resource management
- Front and back office support for e-business
4) Implementation strategies
5) Managerial issues
Begincompetenties Basic knowledge of Information management is required.
Eindcompetenties Core competences:
1) The student has acquired insight in the different business processes and the way in which ERP can contributes to a complete integration of the different activities of the internal and external value chain:
- Knowledge and insight in the different business processes within an organization, the links and integration between these processes and how ERP can support these crucial activities.
- Differentiating the most important ERP players.
- A sufficient insight in ERP terminology and technology.
- A sufficient insight in Porters value chain from both a user perspective and an economic-technical perspective.
2) The student has insight in the functioning of ERP tools.
- Knowledge and insight in the implementation path.
General competences:
1) The capacity for critical reflection:
- Evaluate literature around ERP and his issues critically.
- The student is capable to apply the reached skills and correct instruments.
Leermaterialen ::Voor meer informatie, klik hier:: - Books:
a) Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning (3rd edition Ellen Monk – Thomson Course Technology)
b) Managerial Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (David Olson, McGraw Hill)
- Reader available on dokeos
Studiekosten 40 €
Studiebegeleiding The student has the possibilities tot ask question during the session, by e-mail, on dokeos and individual appointment.
Onderwijsvormen Weekly sessions of two hours
Assignments: students will be divided in small groups and have to write a paper on a topic related to the courses.
Written preparation + oral examination (70%)
Case-study / Assignment (30%)
Second examination period: The points of the Case-study/Assignment are maintained, if passed. Otherwise: Written preparation + oral examination (100%).
Exam contract: assignment concerning an ERP hot topic + oral examination.
OP-leden McHale Kevin