Trefwoorden Statistics, operations research
Doelstellingen The purpose of this course is to prepare students to identify business situations where use of quantitative aspects could enhance decisionmaking capabilities; to engender confidence with handling numbers in business situations; and enhance awareness of the common analytical tools used in decision-making.
Leerinhoud 1. Linear programming.
2. Topics from operational research: e.g.: difference equations and applications.
3. Capita Selecta: a selection of statistical methods.
Dependent on the interest of the students, a selection out of the following topics will be taught:
- topics in discrete mathematics, graph theory, enumeration, generating functions, planar graphs, cycles, Hamilton paths, trees.
- topics in operations research: linear programming, queuing theory, game theory, Markov chains.
- topics in multivariate statistics: discriminant analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, anova.
Begincompetenties The student should have had a basic course in mathematics in her basic curriculum. The computer will be used in solving the problems.
Eindcompetenties The student should be able to apply the methods to real life situations.
Leermaterialen ::Voor meer informatie, klik hier:: Course notes will be supplied in electronic form.
Studiekosten Cost of printing the student notes.
Studiebegeleiding Questions can be asked during the course, via e-mail, Dokeos or by appointment.
Onderwijsvormen Part 1. Lectures.
Part 2. Exercises.
Weekly sessions of two hours
Evaluatievorm The student will have to solve several analytical problems.